

张傑教授  博士生导师













2014年-2015年在Imperial College London(帝国理工学院)化工系访问学者



1.国家重点研发计划项目课题,2017YFC0210905,有机化工高浓度烟气协同催化治理技术及示范,2017/07-2020/12, 494万元,在研,主持。


(1) Jie Zhang, Yue-Hai Wang, Quan-Yuan Wei, Xiao-Jia Du, Yong-Shui Qu*,Investigating desorption during ethanol elution to improve the quality and antioxidant activity of xylo-oligosaccharides from corn stalk, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 249, 342-347
(2) Zhou Wang, Zheng Xie, Luozhen Bian, Wenhui Li, Xinyuan Zhou, Xiaofeng Wu, Zaixing Yang, Ning Han, Jie Zhang, and Yunfa Chen, Enhanced NO2 Sensing Property of ZnO by Ga Doping and H2 Activation,Physica Status Solidi A, 2018, 1700861
(3) Jie Zhang, Yue-Hai Wang, Yong-Shui Qu, Quan-Yuan Wei, Hong-Qiang Li*, Effect of the Organizational Difference of Corn Stalk on Hemicellulose Extraction and Enzymatic Hydrolysis, Industrial Crops & Products, 2018(112), 698-704
(4) Xiang Li, Jie Zhang*, Chongpin Huang, Biaohua Chen, Jianwei Li and Zhigang LeiStability, Deactivation, and Regeneration of Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquid as Catalyst for Industrial C4 Alkylation, Catalysts, 2018, 8, 7;
(5) Jianwei Li, Xiang Li, Yan Liu, Jie Zhang*, Removal of mercaptans from light oils using ionic liquid–NaOH aqueous solution as extractants, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017, 25,171–174
(6) Sijia Liu, Xin Liang,* Jie Zhang* and Biaohua Chen, Temperature sensitive synthesis of γ-Al2O3 support with different morphologies for CoMo/γ-Al2O3 catalysts for hydrodesulfurization of thiophene and 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017,7, 466-480
(7) Xiaojia Du, Jie Zhang*, Yuehai Wang and Yongshui Qu, Conversion of Carbohydrates into Platform Chemicals Catalyzed by Alkaline Ionic Liquids, Catalysts, 2017, 7, 245
(8) Miao He, Jie Zhang*, Rui Liu, Xiuliang Sun and Biaohua Chen,The Distribution and Strength of Br?nsted Acid Sites on the Multi-Aluminum Model of FER Zeolite: A Theoretical Study, Catalysts, 2017, 7, 11
(9) Miao He, Jie Zhang,*, Xiu-Liang Sun, Biao-Hua Chen, and Yang-Gang Wang*,Theoretical Study on Methane Oxidation Catalyzed by Fe/ZSM-5: The Significant Role of Water on Binuclear Iron Active Sites, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120, 27422?27429
(10) Miao He, Jie Zhang,* Rui Liu, Xiu-Liang Sun, Biao-Hua Chen and Yang-Gang Wang*, Density functional theory studies on the skeletal isomerization of 1-butene catalyzed by HZSM-23 and HZSM-48 zeolites, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 9251-9257
(11) Rui Liu, Jie Zhang*, Xiuliang Sun, Chongpin Huang, Biaohua Chen. An ONIOM study on the distribution, local structure and strength of Bronsted acid sites in FER zeolite. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2014, 1027(1), 5-10
(12)Rui Liu, Jie Zhang*, Xiuliang Sun, Chongpin Huang and Biaohua Chen. An ONIOM study of the distribution of skeletal aluminum and Br?nsted acidity in ZSM-48 zeolite. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 2014, 13(2), 1450019-1~1450019-12
(13) Lidan Lv, Jie Zhang*, Chongpin Huang, Zhigang Lei, Biaohua Chen. Adsorptive separation of dimethyl disulfide from liquefied petroleum gas by different zeolites and selectivity study via FT-IR, Separation and Purification Technology, 2014(125), 247-255
(14) Li Han, YanjunWang, Jie Zhang*, Zhigang Lei, Chongpin Huang, Biaohua Chen. Montmorillonite/cordierite monolithic catalysts for cleavage of cumene hydroperoxide. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 22, 854-860
(15) Rui Liu, Jie Zhang*, Xiuliang Sun, Chongpin Huang and Biaohua Chen. An oniom study of the distribution of skeletal al atoms and br?nsted acidity in zsm-23 zeolite. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 2014, 13(7), 1450059-1~1450059-11
(16) Jie Zhang, Chongpin Huang*, Biaohua Chen, Pengju Ren, Zhigang Lei. Extraction of aromatic hydrocarbons from aromatic/aliphatic mixtures using chloroaluminate room-temperature ionic liquids as extractants, Energy & Fuel, 2007, 21(3): 1724-1730
(17) Jie Zhang, Chongpin Huang*, Biaohua Chen, Jianwei Li, Yingxia Li. Alkylation of isobutane and butene using chloroaluminate imidazolium ionic liquid as catalyst: Effect of organosulfur compound additive. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2008, 25(5): 982-986.
(18).Jie Zhang, Chongpin Huang*, Liang Wang, Biaohua Chen. Removal of thiophenes from aromatic hydrocarbons by means of condensation in the presence of acid catalysts. Separation and Purification Technology. 2008, 64, 253-257
(19) Jie Zhang, Chongpin Huang, Biaohua Chen*, Pengju Ren, Min Pu. Isobutane/2-butene alkylation catalyzed by chloroaluminate ionic liquids in the presence of aromatic additives, Journal of Catalysis, 2007, 249: 261-268
(20) Liang Fengbing, Song Yanlei, Huang Chongpin*, Zhang Jie, Chen Biaohua, Preparation and performance evaluation of a lignin-based solid acid from acid hydrolysis lignin, Catalysis Communications, 2013(40), 93-97
(21) Dai Chengna, Lei Zhigang*, Zhang Jie, Li Qunsheng, Chen Biaohua, Simulation of structured catalytic packings in a bubble-point reactor, Chemical Engineering Science, 2013(100), 373-383
(22) Dai Chengna, Lei Zhigang*, Zhang Jie, Li Yingxia, Chen Biaohua, Monolith catalysts for the alkylation of benzene with propylene, Chemical Engineering Science, 2013(100), 342-351
(23) Qu Yong-Shui, Song Yan-Lei, Huang Chong-Pin*, Zhang Jie, Chen Biao-Hua, Alkaline Ionic Liquids as Catalysts: A Novel and Green Process for the Dehydration of Carbohydrates To Give 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51(40), 13008-13013
(24) Qu Yongshui, Huang Chongpin*, Zhang Jie, Chen Biaohua, Efficient dehydration of fructose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural catalyzed by a recyclable sulfonated organic heteropolyacid salt, Bioresource Technology, 2012(106), 170-172
(25) Lei Zhigang*, Wen Cuiping, Zhang Jie, Chen Biaohua, Selective Catalytic Reduction for NO Removal: Comparison of Transfer and Reaction Performances among Monolith Catalysts, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(10), 5942-5951
(26) Lei Zhigang*, Long Aibin, Wen Cuiping, Zhang Jie, Chen Biaohua, Experimental and Kinetic Study of Low Temperature Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with NH(3) over the V(2)O(5)/AC Catalyst, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(9), 5360-5368
(27) Guanjie Mi, Jianwei Li*, Jie Zhang, Biaohua Chen, Reaction kinetics of phenol synthesis through one-step oxidation of benzene with N2O over Fe-ZSM-5 zeolite, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2010, 279(6), 1700-1706
(28) Shuai Xu, Chongpin Huang*, Jie Zhang, and Biaohua Chen, Catalytic activity of Cu/MgO in liquid phase oxidation of cumene??? Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2009, 26(6), 1568-1573
(29) Shuai Xu, Chongpin Huang*, Jie Zhang, Jia Liu, and Biaohua Chen, Catalytic oxidation of 1,3-diisopropylbenzene using imidazolium ionic liquid as catalyst??? Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2009, 26(4), 985-989
(30) Xiuliang Sun, Chongpin Huang*, Yanlei Song, Jie Zhang, Biaohua Chen. Synthesis of β and its catalytic performance in catalytic cracking, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. 2009, 42(10): 760-766.
(31) Sun Xiu-liang, Huang Chong-pin*, Zhang Jie, Guest-Host Interactions of Tetraethylammonium Cations and Zeolite Framework for Distributions of Al in β Zeolite: a Density Functional Theory Calculation, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemicstry, 2009, 25(11):2053-2061
(32) Xin Yi-Shuang, Huang Chong-Pin*, Sun Xiu-Liang, Zhang Jie, Chen Biao-Hua Theoretical Study on a 42 T Model of Beta Zeolite by Density Functional Theory Simulation, , Chinese Journal of Structural chemistry, 2009 28(10), 1190-1196
(33) Chongpin Huang, Biaohua Chen*, Jie Zhang, Zhichang Liu, Yingxia Li. Desulfurization of gasoline with new ionic liquids. Energy & fuel. 2004,18(6) 1862-1864
(34) 刘佳,黄崇品,徐帅,张傑,陈标华,高效液相色谱法分析间二异丙苯的氧化产物,石油化工,2009, 38(2):197-201
(36)张傑, 黄崇品, 陈标华,李英霞,乔聪震. 用[BMIM][Cu2Cl3]离子液体萃取脱除汽油中的硫化物. 燃料化学学报,2005,33(4):431-434
(38) 王兴华,张傑,黄崇品,缩合法脱除汽油中噻吩类硫化物的研究,北京化工大学学报,2011,38(1):110-115





