

李秀金教授  博士生导师、硕士生导师、专业硕士导师

















2003-至今 北京化工大学,环境科学与工程系,教授、博导




1998-2000 美国加州大学戴维斯分校,博士后

1997-1998 美国加州大学戴维斯分校,中美联合培养博士生

1994-1997 中国农业大学,农业生物环境与能源工程专业,博士生

1990-1994 农业部规划设计研究院,能源与环境工程研究所,工程师

1987-1990 中国农业大学,工学院,硕士研究生

1985-1987 安徽农业大学,工学院,助教

1981-1985 安徽农业大学,工学院,本科学习


1.高含固厌氧消化反应器内生物强化与智能化分析调控技术研究【 “十三五”国家重点研发计划】

2.固体废弃物热处理及生物炭气油制备关键技术研发【 “十三五”国家重点研发计划】

3.京津冀社区垃圾源头智能分类与清洁收集技术与装备【 “十三五”国家重点研发计划】

4.高寒高海拔生态脆弱区城市多源固废综合处置及集成示范【 “十三五”国家重点研发计划】

5.集约化养殖粪污收储运智能化控制系统及关键技术设备研发【 “十三五”国家重点研发计划】

6.低劣生物质原料厌氧消化可控制备低碳化学品的传质优化工艺和关键装备研究【 “十三五”重点研发计划】

7.典型石化园区场地污染物源强调研及时空演变规律研究【 “十三五”国家重点研发计划】











18.生物质垃圾厌氧消化产物高值利用技术、装备研发与工程示范【国家“十一五” “863”计划】
















1.Ruolin Guan, Hairong Yuan, Shuai Yuan, Beibei Yan, Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiteng Chen, Xiujin Li*. Current development and perspectives of anaerobic bioconversion of crop stalks to biogas: A review. Bioresource Technology, 349 (2022),126615

2.Yao Lu, Hairong Yuan, Beibei Yan, Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiujin Li*,Improved performance of corn stover anaerobic digestion by low-temperature hydrothermal pretreatment with urea enhancement.Biomass and Bioenergy ,164 (2022) 106553

3.Yao Lu, Liang Zhang, Xiaoyu Zuo, Beibei Yan, Xiujin Li*, Hairong Yuan*,

Depolymerization of corn stover by urea-hydrothermal pretreatment for

efficient biomethane production and microbial community analysis of

anaerobic digestion.Journal of Cleaner Production,380 (2022),134978

4. Zhi Wang,Yuechi Che, Beibei Yan*,Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiujin Li*.Effects of anaerobic digestion pretreatment on the pyrolysis of Sargassum: Investigation by TG-FTIR and Py-GC/MS. Energy Conversion and Management,267(2022),115934.

5.Yufang Wei, Yanyan Lan, Xiujin Li, Minghan Gao, Shuai Yuan, Hairong Yuan.Effect of wheat straw pretreated with liquid fraction of digestate from different substrates on anaerobic digestion performance and microbial community characteristics.Science of the total environment, 151764,11, 2021

6.Ziqi Xu, Hairong Yuan, Xiujin Li*.Anaerobic bioconversion efficiency of rice straw in continuously stirred tank reactor systems applying longer hydraulic retention time and higher load: One-stage vs.Two-stage. Bioresource Technology, 321 (2021),124206

7.Yue Liu , Hui Gong * , Shuting He, Chuan Shi, Hairong Yuan, Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiujin Li* ,Utilizing hydrolysis and acidification via liquid fraction of digestate(LFD-HA) for methane production enhancement of corn straw: Physicochemical and microbial community characterization.Journal of Cleaner Production,326 (2021),129282

8.YuFang Wei, HaiRong Yuan, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, XiuJin Li. Anaerobic co-digestion of cattle manure and liquid fraction of digestate (LFD) pretreated corn stover: Pretreatment process optimization and evolution of microbial community structure. Bioresource Technology, 296 (2020), 122282

9.Juan Li, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Gangqiang Yu, Xiujin Li. Enhanced anaerobic digestion performance of corn stalk pretreated with freezing-thawing and ammonia: An experimental and theoretical study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 247 (2020).

10.Yufang Wei, Hairong Yuan, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Xiujin Li*. Impacts of Modification of Corn Stover on the Synergistic Effect_and_Microbial Community Structure of Co

Digestion with Chicken Manure. Energy & Fuels, 2019.11.12

11.Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Huan Tong, Hairong Yuan, Xiaoyu Zuo, Rashid Mustafa Korai, Xiujin Li*. Continuous dynamics in anaerobic reactor during bioconversion of rice straw: Rate of substance utilization, biomethane production_and_changes in microbial community structure, Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 687, 15, 1274


12.Yue Liu, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, HaiRong Yuan, XiuJin Li*. Anaerobic digestion performance_and_microbial community structure of corn stover in three

stage continuously stirred tank reactors, Bioresource Technology, 2019, 287

13.WenBo Huang, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, HaiRong Yuan, XiuJin Li*. Modification of corn stover for improving biodegradability_and_anaerobic digestion performance by Ceriporiopsis subvermispora, Bioresource Technology, 2019, 283, 76


14.Zhengwei Li, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Hairong Yuan, Rashid Mustafa Korai, Xiujin Li*. Improving methane content_and_yield from rice straw by adding extra hydrogen_into_a two

stage anaerobic digestion system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019.87.

15.Juan Li, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Hairong Yuan, Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiujin Li*. Natural freezing

thawing pretreatment of corn stalk for enhancing anaerobic digestion performance,Bioresource Technology, 2019, 288, 121518

16.Juan Li, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Hairong Yuan, Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiujin Li*. Evaluation of system stability_and_anaerobic conversion performance for corn stover using combined pretreatment, Waste Management, 2019, 97, 52


17.HongLiang Wen, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Liang Zhang, XiaoYu Zuo, XiuJin Li*. A novel strategy for efficient anaerobic co

digestion based on the pretreatment of corn stover with fresh vinegar residue, Bioresource Technology, 2019.9, 288, 121412

18.YuQian Li, ChunMei Liu, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, XiuJin Li*. Effects of liquid fraction of digestate recirculation on system performance and microbial community structure during serial anaerobic digestion of completely stirred tank reactors for corn stover. Energy, 2018, 261:93-103.

19.ChunMei Liu, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Huan Tong, SiHui Shi, Liang Zhang, HaiRong Yuan, XiuJin Li*. Biogas production and microbial community properties during anaerobic digestion of corn stover at different temperatures. Bioresource Technology, 261, 93-103, 2018

20.Ruolin Guan, Xiujin Li, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, HairongYuan*, Yanping Liu, Dexun Zou, Xiaoyu Zuo, Junyu Gu. Enhancing anaerobic digestion performance and degradation of lignocellulosic components of rice straw by combined biological and chemical pretreatment. Science of the total environment, 637-638, 9-17, 2018

21. Chun Mei Liu, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Hai Rong Yuan, De Xun Zou, Yan Ping Liu, Liang Zhang, Yun Zhi Pang*, Xiu Jin Li*. Evaluation of methane yield using acidogenic effluent of NaOH pretreated corn stover in anaerobic digestion. Renewable Energy, 116, 224-233, 2018.

22.YuQian Li, ChunMei Liu, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, HaiRong Yuan, DeXun Zou, YanPing Liu, XiuJin Li*. Serial completely stirred tank reactors for improving biogas production and substance degradation during anaerobic digestion of corn stover. Bioresource Technology, 235, 380-388,2017

23.Ying Meng, Fubo Luan, Hairong Yuan, Xue Chen, Xiujin Li*. Enhancing anaerobic digestion performance of crude lipid in food waste by enzymatic pretreatment. Bioresource Technology, 224, 48-55, 2017

24.Ying MengSang LiHairong YuanDexun ZouYanping LiuBaoning ZhuAkiber ChufoMuhammad JaffarXiujin Li*. Evaluating biomethane production from anaerobic mono- and co-digestion of food waste and floatable oil (FO) skimmed from food waste. Bioresource Technology, 185:7-13, 2015

25.Akiber ChufoHairong YuanDexun ZouYunzhi PangXiujin Li*. Biomethane production and physicochemical characterization of anaerobically digested teff (Eragrostis tef) straw pretreated by sodium hydroxide. Bioresource Technology, 181: 214-219, 2015

26.Qi ZhouHairong YuanYanping LiuDexun ZouBaoning ZhuWachemo A. ChufoMuhammad JaffarXiujin Li*. Using feature objects aided strategy to evaluate the biomethane production of food waste and corn stalk anaerobic co-digestion. Bioresource Technology, 179: 611-614, 2015

27.Ying MengSang LiHairong YuanDexun ZouYanping LiuBaoning ZhuXiujin Li*. Effect of lipase addition on hydrolysis and biomethane production of Chinese food waste. Bioresource Technology, 179: 452-459, 2015

28.Yun HuYunzhi PangHairong YuanDexun ZouYanping LiuBaoning ZhuWachemo Akiber ChufoMuhammad JaffarXiujin Li*. Promoting anaerobic biogasification of corn stover through biological pretreatment by liquid fraction of digestate (LFD). Bioresource Technology, 175: 167-173, 2015

29.Libin Tian, Dexun Zou, Hairong YuanLinfeng Wang, Xin ZhangXiujin Li*. Identifying proper agitation interval to prevent floating layers formation of corn stover and improve biogas production in anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology, 186: 1-7, 2015

30.Yufang Wei, Xiujin Li, Liang Yu, Dexun Zou, Hairong Yuan*. Mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of cattle manure and corn stover with biological and chemical pretreatment. Bioresource Technology, 198: 431–436, 2015

31.Xue Chen, Hairong Yuan, Dexun Zou, Yanping Liu, Baoning Zhu, Akiber Chufo, Muhammad Jaffar, Xiujin Li*. Improving biomethane yield by controlling fermentation type of acidogenic phase in two-phase anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and rice straw. Chemical Engineering Journal 273: 254–260, 2015

32.Tian Libin, Shen FeiYuan HairongZou DexunLiu YanpingZhu BaoningLi Xiujin*. Reducing agitation energy-consumption by improving rheological properties of corn stover substrate in anaerobic digestionBioresource Technology, 168: 86-91, 2014

33.Zhou QiShen FeiYuan HairongZou DexunLiu YanpingZhu BaoningJaffu MuhanmadChufo AkiberLi Xiujin*. Minimizing asynchroni** to improve the performances of anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and corn stoverBioresource Technology, 166: 31-36, 2014

34.Fei Shen, Hairong Yuan, Yunzhi Pang, Shulin Chen, Baoning Zhu, Dexun Zou, Yanping Liu, Jingwei Ma, Liang Yu, Xiujin Li*. Performances of anaerobic co-digestion of fruit & vegetable waste (FVW) and food waste (FW): Single-phase vs. two-phase. Bioresource Technology, 144(9):80-85, 2013

35.Jingwei Ma, Baisuo Zhao, Craig Frear, Quanbao Zhao, Liang Yu, Xiujin Li, Shulin Chen. Methanosarcina domination in anaerobic sequencing batch reactor at short hydraulic retention time. Bioresource Technology, 137(6) ,41-50, 2013

36.Jingwei Ma, Liang Yu, Craig Frear, Quanbao Zhao, Xiujin Li, Shulin Chen. Kinetics of psychrophilic anaerobic sequencing batch reactor treating flushed dairy manure. Bioresource Technology,131(3): 6-12, 2013

37.Baoning Zhu, Ruihong Zhang, Petros Gikas, Joshua Rapport, Bryan Jenkins, Xiujin Li*. Biogas production from municipal solid wastes using an integrated rotary drum and anaerobic-phased solids digester system. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101(16):6374-6380.

38.Xiujin Li*, Laiqing Li, Mingxia Zheng, Guozhi Fu, Jan Saifullah Lar. Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Cattle Manure with Corn Stover Pretreated by Sodium Hydroxide for Efficient Biogas Production. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23:4635-4639.

39.Rongping Li, Shulin Chen, Xiujin Li*, Jam Saifullah Lar, Yanfeng He, Baoning Zhu. Anaerobic Codigestion of Kitchen Waste with Cattle Manure for Biogas Production. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23 (4), 2225–2228 .

40.Kai Wang, Xiujin Li, Shengfu Ji,Xuejun Shi , Jingjing Tang. Effect of CeZrO Promoter on Ni-Based SBA-15 Catalyst for Steam Reforming of Methane. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(1):25-31.

41.Pingyi Wu, Xiujin Li, Shengfu Ji, Bao Lang, Fabien Habimana, Chengyue Li. Steam reforming of methane to hydrogen over Ni-based metal monolith catalysts[J]. Catalysis Today, 2009, 146(1-2):82-86.

42.Baoning Zhu, Petros Gikas, Ruihong Zhang, James Lord, Bryan Jenkins, Xiujin Li.Characteristics and biogas production potential of municipal solid wastes pretreated with a rotary drum reactor. Bioresource Technology 2009,100:1122-1129.

43.Mingxia Zheng, Xiujin Li*, Laiqing Li, Xiaojin Yang, Yanfeng He. Enhancing anaerobic biogasification of corn stover through wet state NaOH pretreatment. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100(21): 5140-5145.

44.Yanfeng He, Yunzhi Pang, Xiujin Li*, Yanping Liu, Rongping Li, and Mingxia Zheng. Investigation on the Changes of Main Compositions and Extractives of Rice Straw Pretreated with Sodium Hydroxide for Biogas Production. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23, 2220–2224.

45.Yonghai Jiang, Beidou Xi, Xiujin Li*, Ling Zhang, Zimin Wei. Effect of water-extraction on characteristics of melting and solidification of fly ash from municipal solid waste incinerator [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009,161(2-3) 871-877.

46.Yanfeng He, Xiujin Li*. Physicochemical Characterization of Rice Straw Pretreated with Sodium Hydroxide in Solid State for Enhancing Biogas Production. Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22(4):2775-2781.(863)

47.Yunzhi Pang, Yanping Liu, Xiujin Li*, and Kuisheng Wang. Improving Biodegradability and biogas production of corn stover through sodium hydroxide solid pretreatment. Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22(4):2761-2766.

48.Xiujin Li*, Ruihong Zhang, Yunzhi Pang. Characteristics of dairy manure composting with rice straw. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99(2):359-367.

49.Ruihong Zhang, Xiujin Li, J.G. Fadel. Oyster mushroom cultivation with rice and wheat straw. Bioresource Technology,2002, 82(3): 277-284.

50.Xiujin LiYunzhi Pang and Ruihong Zhang. Compositional change of cottonseed hull substrate during P.ostreatus growth and the effects on the feeding value of the spent substrate. Bioresources Technology.2001, 80(2):157-161.











2011年, “纤维素材料生产清洁能源关键技术”,中国石化联合会技术发明三等奖






1. 李秀金 主编,《固体废物处理与资源化》,化学工业出版社,2023

2.李秀金 主编,国家“十二五规划教材”《固体废物处理与资源化》,科学出版社,2011

3. 李秀金 主编,北京市精品教材《固体废物工程》,中国环境科学出版社,2003

4. 李秀金等,《中国现代科学大百科全书》,农业生物环境与能源工程篇,中国农业科学技术出版社,2002





4.袁海荣, 卢新发,李秀金,左晓宇,一种光催化预处理提高稻草厌氧消化产气性能的方法,201810851339.0,授权日2022.2.16

5.袁海荣,管若琳,李秀金,刘研萍,左晓宇. 一种氧化钙和沼液联合预处理提高稻草秸秆厌氧消化产气性能的方法,201810251922.8,授权日2021.7.20


7.袁海荣,王星,李秀金, 张良, 左晓宇,一种用于多种浓度粪污收集的智能转运车系统,201910099726.8,授权日2020.6.10

8.李秀金,朱嘉琳,袁海荣,兰艳艳,刘研萍,邹德勋,管若琳. NPK复合营养型预处理提高玉米秸秆厌氧消化产气性能的方法,201610850473.X,授权日2019.11.4

9.李秀金,魏域芳,袁海荣,彭翔. 一种通过生化预处理玉米秸秆提高秸秆与粪便混合厌氧消化产气性能的方法.201510929220.7,授权日:2019.11.5

10.李秀金, 刘春梅, 袁海荣, 邹德勋, 刘研萍, 朱保宁, 定向酸化预处理提高玉米秸秆厌氧消化产气性能的方法. 2018.01.23,201510013096X.

11.李秀金, 刘春梅, 袁海荣, 邹德勋, 刘研萍, 朱保宁, 低温水冷冻预处理玉米秸秆提高厌氧消化产气性能的方法. 2018.03.23,2015100133421

12.李秀金, 刘春梅, 袁海荣,碱与盐联合预处理提高玉米秸秆厌氧消化甲烷产量的方法, 2018.01.23, 2015100133510

13.李秀金, 江志坚, 朱保宁, 袁海荣, 邹德勋, 提高城市有机垃圾混合厌氧消化定向水解酸化效果的方法. 2014.12.03,201310030593.1

14.李秀金, 袁海荣, 沈飞, 邹德勋, 朱保宁, 庞云芝, 张亚甜, 一种用于餐厨、果蔬垃圾的自固定化生物膜高效厌氧消化方法2014.12.3,201210488818.3

15.李秀金,张亚甜,袁海荣,邹德勋,朱保宁, 纯氨湿式浸泡常温预处理提高稻草甲烷产量的方法, 2014.05.14,201210347493.7

16.李秀金, 孟颖, 袁海荣, 邹德勋, 朱保宁, 刘研萍, 一种分相厌氧酶水解生成硬酯酸钙去除餐厨中油脂的方法, 2014.11.05,201210310363.6

17.李秀金, 袁海荣, 邹德勋, 马淑勍, 杨懂艳, 张亚甜, 朱保宁, 刘研萍, 常温固态催化氨化预处理提高麦秸厌氧产气量的方法, 2015.02.04, 201210088370.6

18.李秀金, 冯亚君, 袁海荣, 高健, 邹德勋, 朱保宁, 任鹏, 刘茹飞. 一种多原料混合近同步发酵协同作用提高产气性能的方法,2016.12.14,201210057486.3

19.李秀金, 郝力彪, 袁海荣, 朱保宁, 邹德勋, 刘研萍, 庞云芝, 一种通过沼液循环提高秸秆沼气产量和减排沼液的方法. 2016.03.30,  201210012466.4

20.李秀金, 蔡文婷, 朱保宁, 袁海荣, 邹德勋, 刘研萍, 一种通过生物相分离和优化技术提高生物质废物厌氧消化性能的方法, 2014.01.22,201210006583.X


本 科 生 课 程:《固体废物处理与资源化》




积极开展对外交流与合作。与美国华盛顿州立大学、密执根州立大学、俄亥俄州立大学、瑞典隆德大学和德国国家生物质研究中心等单位进行了多方位的 学术交流和合作。包括聘请美国陈树林教授和周军教授、瑞典的刘京教授为我们的兼职教授、与华盛顿州立大学联合培养研究生、合作申报国际项目、合作发表论文、共同举办国际会议等。参与了中德沼气政府间合作交流活动,与美国华盛顿州立大学合作成功申请到了中美生物燃气国际合作项目,在中国和美国成功举办了两 届“中美生物质燃气高级研讨会”等




北京化工大学“固体废物资源化与高值利用研究团队”创立于2000年。自成立以来,已培养毕业研究生200多人,其中博士43人,外国留学生7 人,博士后5人,毕业生遍布4大洲和全国各地,其中80%以上毕业生留京工作。工作单位包括政府机关和管理部门、大型央企国企、上市公司等,如国家环保部、科技部、北京市环保局、中石化、中石油、中核集团、中节能、首创集团、北京环卫集团、中国环境科学院、中国城市建设研究院、上海市政总院等。团队现有各类研究人员40多人,其中包括教授、副教授6人,博士后2人,在读博士生5人,在读硕士生30余人,是国内最大的从事固体废物资源化与高值利用的研究团队之一。
