

   间:二〇一一年十一月十一日 上午10:0011:30
   点: 电教110
主讲人:W.S. Winston Ho (何文寿) 教授
  目:Facilitated Transport Membranes for Energy and Biochemical Applications
The presentation covers recent advances in two types of facilitated transport membranes: (1) carbon dioxide-selective membranes for CO2 separation andhydrogen purification for fuel cells and (2) supported liquid membranes (SLMs) with strip dispersion for the recovery of antibiotics from aqueous solutions.  We have synthesized carbon dioxide-selective membranes by incorporating amino groups into polymer networks for hydrogen purification for fuel cells.  The membranes have shown high carbon dioxide permeability and selectivity vs. hydrogen, carbon monoxide and nitrogen up to 180oC. On SLMs, their stability has been ensured by a modified SLM with strip dispersion, where the aqueous strip solution is dispersed in the organic membrane solution.  The SLMs have potential for extraction and recovery of antibiotics and biochemicals from fermentation broths and aqueous solutions.  For example, Cephalexin has been extracted and concentrated; typical results have shown > 99% extraction and high recovery rates of 96 – 98%. Results showed that Cephalexin can be recovered from the mixture in conjunction with complexation without enzyme deactivation, which commonly occurs when complexation is conducted in enzymatic reaction mixtures.
何文寿 院士简介:
何文寿, 美国工程院院士,中央研究院院士,俄亥俄州立大学化工系教授,是膜分离领域的知名学者,尤其在液膜技术方面的成就极受肯定。在受聘任教俄亥俄州立大学之前,曾任教于肯塔基大学,在美国工业界拥有28年薄膜及分离制程研发经验,曾任Xerox公司、美国Exxon石油公司研发部、Commodore Separation Technologies技术副总裁。何教授2002年被选为美国国家工程科学院院士,主要表彰他在新分离技术之发明及商业化,以及发展出膜分离技术新的理论模型等杰出贡献。2006年获得分离行业的最高奖项之一的Clarence G. Gerhold Award 奖,1993年曾获颁最杰出工程专业与学术出版奖章1991年新泽西发明大会及名人堂年度发明家奖,拥有70余项专利。何教授目前的主要研究领域是重金属回收与纯化,以及燃料电池薄膜、二氧化碳分离膜之制备。
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