

   间:二〇一一年十一月二十四日 上午9:0012:00
   点: 中心会议室
主讲人:张战国 主任研究员
  目:Fluidized Bed MTB Catalyst and Process Development
Direct conversion of methane to petrochemicals, particularly aromatics, remains a formidable challenge. The non-oxidative methane dehydroaromatization to benzene and naphthalene over Mo/HZSM-5 catalyst has proven it a promising alternative way to produce the aromatics from methane resources. But the equilibrium-limited low CH4 conversion and rapid deactivation behavior of the catalyst requires that the reaction be operated at a severe condition and in a mode in which the continuous regeneration of deactivated catalyst is allowable. This thus arises many practical problems to be considered. We have involved the research and development on methane dehydroaromatization catalyst and process since 1999. Very recently we have also successfully developed a novel approach for rapid evaluation of the intrinsic maximum benzene formation activity of Mo/HZSM-5 catalyst attained over very short time on streams at very high space velocities. In this presentation, in addition to the summary of some previous achievements, such recent progresses in the fundamental study of this reaction will be addressed.
张战国 主任研究员简介
    1989/41990/3:日立制作所日立研究所特别研究员;1990/51993/7Univ. of Waterloo 博士后;1993/91995/8:日本国立东北大学助理教授;1995/91997/11()日本工业技术研究院北海道工业技术研究所NEDO工业技术研究员;1997/121998/5:日本产业创造研究所主任研究员;1998/6~至今:日本产业技术综合研究所能源技术研究部主任研究员。
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