时 间:二〇一二年一月五日上午9:00至11:00
地 点: 中心会议室
主讲人:YU Kui 博士
题 目:CdSe Magic-Sized Nuclei, Magic-Sized Nanoclusters and Regular Nanocrystals: Monomer Effects on Nucleation and Growth
摘 要:
Following my previous presentation on “Targeted Cellular Imaging of Pancreatic Cancer via Single-Domain Antibody Bioconjugated Near-IR CdTeSe Quantum Dots”, I will discuss CdSe colloidal nanocrystals, as a model system, for the fundamental understanding of the formation of regular and magic-sized nanocrystals. I will address several debating topics in the present quantum dot area including the formation mechanism of monomers. Next, I will introduce recent advances in our labs in the synthesis of colloidal CdSe magic-sized nuclei (MSN) exhibiting sharp bandgap emission. I will introduce a model proposed to illustrate the nature of monomers and their degree of supersaturation (DS) affecting the formation of various CdSe MSN, magic-sized nanoclusters (MSCs), and regular nanocrystals (RNCs). Also, I will use this model to address tuning the CdSe RNCs and/or MSCs into the CdSe MSN with the presence of acetate salts such as Cd(OAc)2 affecting the nature of the monomers. Such a discussion should bring insight into nucleation/growth of both regular and magic-sized nanocrystals for better quality control.
YU Kui研究员 简介:
YU Kui博士是加拿大国家研究委员会(National Research Council Canada)高级研究员。Journal of Nanomaterials, Advanced Science Letters, Reviews in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (RNN) 编委。
Yu博士1998年在McGill University获博士学位,随后在加拿大McMaster University和美国Sandia National Laboratory进行博士后研究,于2002年加入加拿大国家研究委员会。她的主要研究方向为介孔材料和荧光半导体纳米晶的制备,特别是量子点(quantum dots)材料的制备及其在生物和能源领域的应用,是在相关领域取得突出成就的女性华人科学家。
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