Professor Palghat Ramachandran学术报告


 间:二〇一二年三月十四日 上午9:0010:30
主讲人:Professor Palghat Ramachandran
 目:Modeling of multiphase reactors: An overview of work at     Washington University
The presentation gives an overview of the modeling of multiphase reactors and the utilities of modeling at various levels. This is followed by discussion on some of the current projects and an overview of the work done at Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory (CREL) of Washington University in St. Louis.
Our prior work on modeling of trickle bed reactors is reviewed together with some ongoing work on interstitial scale models and computational challenges associated with the problem.
  Modeling of reactors used in polysilicon production is then discussed with emphasis on fluid bed reactor models. A brief review of our prior work on reactive distillation is also presented.
One of the aims of this lecture is to expose the activities to students and faculties at BUCT to strengthen and promote the on-going interactions in areas of common interest.
Professor Palghat Ramachandran 简介:
Education: PhD, University of Bombay, 1971; BS, Chemical Engineering, University of Bombay, 1967
BIOGRAPHY: Professor Ramachandran joined Washington University in St. Louis in 1982 as an associate professor of Chemical Engineering. Today, he teaches many graduate courses in areas of transport phenomena, reaction engineering, multiphase reactor analysis, computational engineering, engineering mathematics, environmental reaction engineering, semi-conductor material processing analysis, and pollution prevention in chemical processes.
RESEARCH: Professor Ramachandran's research interests are in chemical reaction engineering, three phase catalytic reactors, mathematical modeling, semiconductor material processing, boundary element and integral equations, and reactor design for pollution prevention.
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