Direct Conversion of Shale Gas to Chemicals


报告人:Dr. Teng Xu

                ExxonMobil Chemical





US have abundant natural gas due to the fracking revolution.  Current reserve estimate suggests that there is enough gas to supply US for more than 100 years at today's consumption.   The shale gas revolution has significantly improved the competitiveness of US manufacturing due to much reduced energy cost.  The NGLs produced together with methane have provided cheap feedstock to chemicals.  For example, ethane from NGLs has led to more than 100 B$ investment by Chemical and petrochemical companies to produce ethylene via ethane steam cracking.  But more can be done.  The next biggest opportunity is the direct conversion of methane to chemicals, e.g., aromatics, since methane accounts for more than 97% of shale gas.   However, there are many challenges for direct conversion.

The American Chemistry Council's Catalysis Working Group (ACC WG) is leading an effort, on behalf of the chemical, petrochemical and catalyst industries, to find ways to better take advantage of this opportunity.  EM Chemical is one of the members of this group.  The group recently organized a Roundtable of academic, industrial, national lab, funding agency leaders before the 24th NAM meeting in Pitt**urgh to:

1)     start a dialogue on the opportunity of directly converting shale gas and NGLs to chemicals

2)     sharpen arguments on why there should be additional industrially relevant R&D thrusts

3)     identify the hurdles/fundamentals/most critical areas for focus

4)     start the path to describe industrially relevant targets

5)     and spark discussion on collaborations to accelerate progress


This talk will discuss the shale gas opportunity, drivers for direction conversion, and use methane dehydroaromatization as an example to illustrate the recent progresses made and the remaining challenges.   I will discuss some of the key outcomes from the catalysis workshop and a potential path forward.


About Dr. Teng Xu :


Dr. Teng Xu got his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Texas A&M University in 1996.  In 1998, he joined ExxonMobil Chemical  in Baytown.  After a three year's stay at ExxonMobil Corporate Strategic Research in Clinton, New Jersey, he moved back to Baytown in 2010.  He is currently Research Associate at Global Chemical Research of ExxonMobil Chemical. Teng is serving as president of CACS-Southwest, and chair for Southwest Catalysis Society.  He is inventor on 60+ patents and patent applications, and published 20+ peer-reviewed journal articles.