Multiscale Systems Engineering: Current Developments and applications


 报告人:Prof. Jose A. Romagnoli
     Gordon & Mary Cain Chair Professor Department of Chemical EngineeringLouisiana State University, USA
 时间:2015115日下午 15:0016:30 (周四)

Seminar Abstract: Process Systems Engineering (PSE) within the Engineering Faculty actively engages in the modeling, characterization and optimization of multi-scale complex systems – typical examples of which include particulate systems (such as polymerization and crystallization), complex physical systems (such as chemical, petrochemical, pulp and paper, food processing), bioprocesses and environmental processes. This presentation will covers some of the activities under investigation at the Laboratory for Process Systems Engineering at Department of Chemical Engineering at LSU. Focus will be on recent developments in areas such as: i) Formulation and Implementation of decision support systems towards sustainable energy processes, ii) modeling/optimization/control of complex systems (polymerization, crystallization processes) and iii) data analytics for monitoring and support of manufacturing activities.

Speakers Short Bio:

Jose A. Romagnoli is currently the Gordon & Mary Cain Chair Professor and M. Gautreaux/Ethyl Chair Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering at LSU. Previously he was the ICI Chair in PSE at the University of Sydney where he was also the Director of the Laboratory for PSE. He received his Bachelor (Chemical Engineering) at the National University of the South (Argentina) in 1974, and his PhD (Chemical Engineering) at University of Minnesota in 1980. He is author of more than 300 international publications and author of the books “Data processing and reconciliation for chemical process operations” published by Academic Press International and “Introduction to Process Control” published by CRC Press. He is a member of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia and consultant for several international companies. He was recently awarded the Centenary Medal by the Prime Minister of Australia for his contributions to Chemical Engineering. His research interests cover all aspects of Process Systems Engineering specially: data processing and reconciliation, modeling of complex systems, advanced model based control and intelligent process monitoring and supervision.

供稿单位:化工学院 |