Structure Analysis of Zeolite Materials and Identification of the (Re)active Centre


报告人:Hermann Gies

(Professor, Ruhr University Bochum)

时间:09月08日(周四) 10: 00



Hermann Gies is a professor and head of crystal chemistry group at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. He is a well-known expert in the field of synthesis and structure analysis of zeolitic materials and zeolitic catalysts, and has discovered a series of new zeolitic structures named as RUB-n. He has made great contribution in the development of zeolite science and published more than 180 research papers. He has served  for many years as member of the structure commission of the International Zeolite Association, the Breck award committee of the International Zeolite Association, the committee on zeolites of the DECHEMA, Vice-Chairman of the German Zeolite Association. He has been invited as guest professor and consultant for Peking University, Zhejiang University, DICP-CAS (China); University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (USA); BASF, Ludwigshafen (Germany); TITech, Yokohama (Japan); CSIC-ICMAB, Barcelona (Spain); UBC Vancouver (Canada) etc. 


Zeolites are important inorganic materials which are widely used in ion exchange, separation, adsorption and catalytic processes. There are more than 200 different crystal structure types and due to their specific composition even a multitude of different materials comprising the zeolite family. Their particular properties are due to the porosity of the framework structure and the distribution of elements within the structure which is related to the functional sites. 

Structure analysis of zeolites, therefore, plays an outstanding role in characterizing the properties of these materials since it provides geometrical information on the atomic scale rationalizing the interactions related to the specific function. The seminar will show how in the past and also in modern zeolite research structure determination and structure refinement impact on the development of new functional zeolitic materials.