【讲座预告】Oxygen Reduction Reaction in PEM Fuel Cell & Li-air Battery: New Catalysts & Mechanistic Understanding


Oxygen Reduction Reaction in PEM Fuel Cell & Li-air Battery: New Catalysts & Mechanistic Understanding

报告人:Di-Jia Liu教授

报告时间: 2016年11月11日下午3:20-5:00

报告地点: 中心会议室


Globe warming and future energy supply are two major national challenges we are facing today. To preserve our environment and energy resource, it is imperative to maximize the existing fuel utilization. Fuel cell and lithium metal battery represent two next-generation, high-efficiency energy conversion and storage devices, which have attracted a great deal of research activities in recent years. This presentation discusses some recent progresses in these two research areas in my laboratory at Argonne National Laboratory.


Dr. Liu is a Senior Chemist at Chemical Sciences & Engineering Division at Argonne National Laboratory. He received his B. Sc. degree in Chemistry from Peking University (China) in 1982 and Ph. D. degree in Physical Chemistry from The University of Chicago in 1987. After two-year postdoctoral research at University of California at Berkeley under Professor Y. T. Lee (Nobel laureate 1986), he joined Honeywell (formerly AlliedSignal) in 1990 and led various research projects in fuel cells, automotive emission control catalysis, aviation environmental control catalysis, advanced material characterization and Six-Sigma industrial process improvement. Among many recognitions he received at Honeywell include Honeywell Corporate Technical Achievement Award in 1998 and 2000 USA Today Quality Cup for his role as the Lead Scientist in developing ozone destruction catalytic system for Boeing 777 passage jet. Dr. Liu joined Argonne National Laboratory in 2002. His current interests cover mainly in rationally designed nanomaterials for fuel cells, hydrogen/methane storage, lithium air battery, catalytic reforming for H2 production, advanced x-ray characterization techniques, etc. Since joining Argonne, he received Argonne National Laboratory Pacesetter Award, Office of Sciences Outstanding Mentor Award and DOE Hydrogen Sorption Center of Excellence Team Award. His recent work in nanofibrous catalyst was selected as the finalist for 2016 R&D 100 Award. He has over 100 scientific publications, 30 plus patent and patent applications including 21 granted US patents covering broad ranging in electro-catalysis, environmental catalysis, hydrogen production and storage, sensors, etc.