

王晓慧副教授  硕士生导师












2010.09-2012.09 清华大学 博士后
2012.09-至今 北京化工大学 讲师/副教授/教授






1. Hai, R., He, Y., Wang, X., Li, Y., 2015. Simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from swine wastewater in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 23, 303-308.
2. Hai, R., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Du, Z., Li, Y., 2014a. Impacts of multiwalled carbon nanotubes on nutrient removal from wastewater and bacterial community structure in activated sludge. PloS One 9, e107345.
3. Hai, R., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Li, Y., Du, Z., 2014b. Bacterial community dynamics and taxa-time relationships within two activated sludge bioreactors. PloS One 9, e90175.
4. Hu, M., Wang, X., Wen, X., Xia, Y., 2012. Microbial community structures in different wastewater treatment plants as revealed by 454-pyrosequencing analysis. Bioresource Technology 117, 72-79.
5. Li, Y., Lin, C.Q., Wang, Y.B., Gao, X.P., Xie, T., Hai, R.T., Wang, X.H., Zhang, X.W., 2017. Multi-criteria evaluation method for site selection of industrial wastewater discharge in coastal regions. Journal of Cleaner Production 161, 1143-1152.
6. Liu, R., Tursun, H., Hou, X.S., Odey, F., Li, Y., Wang, X.H., Xie, T., 2017. Microbial community dynamics in a pilot-scale MFC-AA/O system treating domestic sewage. Bioresource Technology 241, 439-447.
7. Ouyang, E., Liu, Y., Ouyang, J., Wang, X., 2017a. Effects of different wastewater characteristics and treatment techniques on the bacterial community structure in three pharmaceutical wastewater treatment systems. Environmental Technology, 1-13.
8. Ouyang, E., Lu, Y., Ouyang, J., Wang, L., Wang, X., 2017b. Bacterial community analysis of anoxic/aeration (A/O) system in a combined process for gibberellin wastewater treatment. PloS One 12, e0186743.
9. Ouyang, E.M., Lu, Y., Ouyang, J.T., Liu, X.J., Wang, X.H., 2017c. Bacterial Communities in a Full-scale Combined A/O plus BIOFOR System Treating Pharmaceutical Wastewater. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 26, 2661-2666.
10. Tursun, H., Li, Z., Liu, R., Li, Y., Wang, X., 2014. Contribution weight of engineering technology on pollutant emission reduction based on IPAT and LMDI methods. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 17, 225-235.
11. Tursun, H., Liu, R., Li, J., Abro, R., Wang, X., Gao, Y., Li, Y., 2016. Carbon Material Optimized Biocathode for Improving Microbial Fuel Cell Performance. Frontiers in Microbiology 7, 6.
12. Wang, X., Hu, M., Xia, Y., Wen, X., Ding, K., 2012a. Pyrosequencing analysis of bacterial diversity in 14 wastewater treatment systems in China. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78, 7042-7047.
13. Wang, X., Li, J., Liu, R., Hai, R., Zou, D., Zhu, X., Luo, N., 2017a. Responses of Bacterial Communities to CuO Nanoparticles in Activated Sludge System. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 5368-5376.
14. Wang, X., Wen, X., Criddle, C., Wells, G., Zhang, J., Zhao, Y., 2010a. Community analysis of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in activated sludge of eight wastewater treatment systems. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China) 22, 627-634.
15. Wang, X., Wen, X., Criddle, C., Yan, H., Zhang, Y., Ding, K., 2010b. Bacterial community dynamics in two full-scale wastewater treatment systems with functional stability. Journal of Applied Microbiology 109, 1218-1226.
16. Wang, X., Wen, X., Den, Y., Xia, Y., Yang, Y., Zhou, J., 2016a. Is there a distance-decay relationship in biological wastewater treatment plants? Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
17. Wang, X., Wen, X., Xia, Y., Hu, M., Zhao, F., Ding, K., 2012b. Ammonia oxidizing bacteria community dynamics in a pilot-scale wastewater treatment plant. PloS One 7, e36272.
18. Wang, X., Wen, X., Yan, H., Ding, K., Zhao, F., Hu, M., 2011a. Bacterial community dynamics in a functionally stable pilot-scale wastewater treatment plant. Bioresource Technology 102, 2352-2357.
19. Wang, X., Xia, Y., Wen, X., Yang, Y., Zhou, J., 2014. Microbial community functional structures in wastewater treatment plants as characterized by GeoChip. PloS One 9, e93422.
20. Wang, X., Zheng, Q., Yuan, Y., Hai, R., Zou, D., 2017b. Bacterial community and molecular ecological network in response to Cr2O3 nanoparticles in activated sludge system. Chemosphere 188, 10-17.
21. Wang, X., Zhu, M., Li, N., Du, S., Yang, J., Li, Y., 2018. Effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on bacterial community and molecular ecological network in activated sludge system. Environmental Pollution 238, 516-523.
22. Wang, X.H., Li, J., Wang, Z., Tursun, H., Liu, R., Gao, Y.M., Li, Y., 2016b. Increasing the recovery of heavy metal ions using two microbial fuel cells operating in parallel with no power output. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 20368-20377.
23. Wang, X.H., Wen, X.H., Yan, H.J., Ding, K., Hu, M., 2011b. Community dynamics of ammonia oxidizing bacteria in a full-scale wastewater treatment system with nitrification stability. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China 5, 92-98.
24. Wang, X.H., Zhang, Y., Wen, X.H., Xia, Y., Hu, M., Zhaofang, Ding, K., 2012c. Real-time PCR quantification of the population dynamics of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in a pilot-scale wastewater treatment plant. Biochemical Engineering Journal 66, 61-65.
25. Xia, Y., Hu, M., Wen, X., Wang, X., Yang, Y., Zhou, J., 2016. Diversity and interactions of microbial functional genes under differing environmental conditions: insights from a membrane bioreactor and an oxidation ditch. Scientific Reports 6, 18509.
26. Xia, Y., Wang, X.H., Wen, X.H., Ding, K., Zhou, J.Z., Yang, Y.F., Zhang, Y., 2014. Overall functional gene diversity of microbial communities in three full-scale activated sludge bioreactors. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98, 7233-7242.
27. Zhang, B., Xia, Y., Wen, X., Wang, X., Yang, Y., Zhou, J., Zhang, Y., 2016. The Composition and Spatial Patterns of Bacterial Virulence Factors and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in 19 Wastewater Treatment Plants. PloS One 11, e0167422.
28. Zheng, Q., Na, S., Li, X., Li, N., Hai, R., Wang, X., 2018. Acute effects of hexavalent chromium on the performance and microbial community of activated sludge in aerobiotic reactors. Environmental Technology, 1-10.


1. 一种太阳能生态浮岛及水生态修复方法 201710243052.5
2. 一种微生物燃料电池毒性传感器及运行方法 201611045546.4
3. 针对中水回用的生态碳纤维SBBR与人工湿地组合处理系统及处理方法 201610708498.6
4. 一种可与污水处理工艺结合的无膜微生物燃料电池电极装置 201610279913.0
5. 一种间歇式无功率输出并联两个MFC提高电压处理重金属废水的方法 201510493402.4
6. 一种基于厌氧预处理与空气阴极MFC的水质毒性监测方法 201510262875.3
7. 锰酸锂对碳材料的表面修饰方法及其在微生物燃料电池中的应用 201510151872.2
8. 一种耦合A2/O工艺处理生活污水并产电的微生物燃料电池 201510138307.2
9. 一体化MBR膜生物反应器 201310598558.X



