

左晓宇 副教授 硕士生导师、专业硕士导师








International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health特刊“Advances in Agricultural Waste Utilization Technology”客座编辑








2014.09-2019.06 北京化工大学,环境科学与工程,博士

2006.09-2009.06 北京化工大学,环境科学与工程,硕士

2002.06-2006.06 北京化工大学,环境工程,学士


2022.01-至今 北京化工大学,化学工程学院,副教授

2009.07-2021.12 北京化工大学,化学工程学院,讲师




1. 国家重点专项政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项:生物质废物预处理与轻度厌氧发酵技术[2018YEE0111000],课题负责人,84.8万元,2019.11.1-2022.10.31

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:功能基因视角下微生物厌氧消化木质纤维素原料微观机理研究[21808010],主持,35.8万元,2019.1.1-2022.12.31

3. 中央高校基本科研业务费(自科)- 基地项目:CaO强化沼液协同生化解聚秸秆促进厌氧消化过程中电子传递机制研究[JD2006],主持,10万元,2020.1-2020.12

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:在CuFeO2纳米簇/CuInS2薄膜复合电极上CO2光电催化还原反应研究[21676010],参与,64万元,2017.1.1-2020.12.31

5. 农业公益项目:沼气纯化罐装关键技术研究与示范[201303099-02],参与,350万元,2013.1.1-2017.12.31

6.中央高校基本科研业务费(自科)- 基地项目:餐厨垃圾与浒苔联合厌氧消化产气性能研究[JD2224],参与,6万元,2022.1-2022.12

7. 技术开发:生物质废物资源化利用关键技术[H2022294],主持,2022.5.10-2025.7.31

8. 技术服务:化学品快速生物降解性实验[H2022295],主持,10万元,2022.6.23-2023.6.22



1. Yang, L.; Li, X.; Yuan, H.; Zuo, X et al. Enhancement of biomethane production and decomposition of physicochemical structure of corn stalk by combined freezing-thawing and potassium hydroxide pretreatment. Energy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2023.126633

2. Shaohua, Sun, Yuanyuan Zhang, Zhaoyang Yang, Chunmei Liu, Xiaoyu Zuo, Yang Tang, Pingyu Wan, Yanping Liu, Xiujin Li, Frederic Coulon, Qing Hu, and Xiao Jin Yang. 2022. 'Improving the biodegradability of rice straw by electrochemical pretreatment', Fuel, 330: 125701

3. Jie Liu, Xiaoyu Zuo*, Ke Peng, Rui He, Luyao Yang, Rufei Liu. Biogas and Volatile Fatty Acid Production During Anaerobic Digestion of Straw, Cellulose, and Hemicellulose with Analysis of Microbial Communities and Functions[J]. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2022, 194: 762-782.

4. Juan Li , Xiujin Li , Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Weiwei Chen, Xiaoyu Zuo*. Determining Optimal Temperature Combination for Effective Pretreatment and Anaerobic Digestion of Corn Stalk. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022,19, 8027.

5. Dadi Chen, Xiaoyu Zuo*, Juan Li, Xitong Wang, Jie Liu. Carbon migration and metagenomic characteristics during anaerobic digestion of rice straw[J]. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2020, 13(1). (一区TOP期刊)

6. Xiaoyu Zuo, Hairong Yuan, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Xitong Wang, Liang Zhang, Juan Li, Hongliang Wen, Jiaxi Wang, Xiujin Li*. The relationships among sCOD, VFAs, microbial community, and biogas production during anaerobic digestion of rice straw pretreated with ammonia[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 28(1): 286-292.

7. Huan Tong, Baoyu Zhou Chunmei Liu, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Xiujin Li, Xiaoyu Zuo*. Improving biomethane yield by strengthening acidification of maize stover in two-phase anaerobic digestion[J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2020, 13(4):226-231.

8. Jian Gao, Juan Li, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Huan Tong, Xiaoyu Zuo*, Xiujin Li*. Mass conversion pathway during anaerobic digestion of wheat straw[J]. RSC Advances, 2020, 1027720-27727.

9. Ruolin Guan,Hairong Yuan, Shuai Yuan, Beibei Yan, Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiteng Chen, Xiujin Li*. Current development and perspectives of anaerobic bioconversion of crop stalks to Biogas: A review. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 349: 126615.

10. Yue Liu, Hui Gong, Chuan Shi, Hairong Yuan, Xiaoyu Zuo, Yanqing Chang, Xiujin Li*. Modeling and optimization of the hydrolysis and acidification via liquid fraction of digestate from corn straw by response surface methodology and artificial neural network[J], Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 361: 132241.

11. Yue Liu, Hui Gong, Shuting He, Chuan Shi, Hairong Yuan, Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiujin Li*. Utilizing hydrolysis and acidification via liquid fraction of digestate (LFD-HA) for methane production enhancement of corn straw: Physicochemical and microbial community characterization[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 326: 129282.

12. Yao Lu, Hairong Yuan, Xiaoyu Zuo, Yanqing Chang, Xiujin Li*. Biomethane Yield, Physicochemical Structures, and Microbial Community Characteristics of Corn Stover Pretreated by Urea Combined with Mild Temperature Hydrotherm. Polymers, 2021, 13, 2207.

13. Zhengui Shi, Liang Zhang, Harirong Yuan*, Xiujin Li, Yanqing Chang, Xiaoyu Zuo. Oyster shells improve anaerobic dark fermentation performances of food waste: Hydrogen production, acidification performances, and microbial community characteristics[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2021,335: 125268.

14. Xitong Wang, Xiaocong Song, Hairong Yuan*, Xiujin Li, Xiaoyu Zuo. Two-Step Pretreatment of Hydrothermal with Ammonia for Cow Bedding: Pretreatment Characteristics, Anaerobic Digestion Performance and Kinetic Analysis[J]. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2021.7: 1-13.

15. Xitong Wang, Hairong Yuan*, Xiaocong Song, Xiujin Li, Xiaoyu Zuo. Lower temperature hydrothermal pretreatment improves the anaerobic digestion performance of spent cow bedding[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 39: 255-260.

16. Ruolin Guan, Hairong Yuan. Liang Zhang, Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiujin Li*. Combined pretreatment using CaO and liquid fraction of digestate of rice straw: anaerobic digestion performance and electron transfer[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 36: 223-232.

17. Hairong Yuan*, Ruolin Guan, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Yatian Zhang, Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiujin Li. Improving physicochemical characteristics and anaerobic digestion performance of rice straw via ammonia pretreatment at varying concentrations and moisture levels[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 28(2): 514-547.

18. Hairong Yuan*, Xiaocong Song, Ruolin Guan, Liang Zhang, Xiujin Li, Xiaoyu Zuo. Effect of low severity hydrothermal pretreatment on anaerobic digestion performance of corn stover[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 294: 122238.

19. Juan Li, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Hairong Yuan, Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiujin Li*. Evaluation of system stability and anaerobic conversion performance for corn stover using combined pretreatment[J]. Waste Management, 2019, 97: 52-62.

20. Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Huan Tong, Hairong Yuan, Xiaoyu Zuo, Rashid Mustafa Korai, Xiujin Li*. Continuous dynamics in anaerobic reactor during bioconversion of rice straw: Rate of substance utilization, biomethane production and changes in microbial community structure[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 687: 1274-1284.

21. Xiaocong Song, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Liang Zhang, Tianqing Bai, Xiujin Li, Xiaoyu Zuo, Hairong Yuan*. Effect of hydrothermal pretreatment severity on the pretreatment characteristics and anaerobic digestion performance of corn stover[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 289: 121646.

22. Juan Li, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Hairong Yuan, Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiujin Li*. Natural freezing-thawing pretreatment of corn stalk for enhancing anaerobic digestion performance[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 288: 121518.

23. HongLiang Wen, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Liang Zhang, XiaoYu Zuo, HaiRong Yuan, XiuJin Li*. A novel strategy for efficient anaerobic co-digestion based on the pretreatment of corn stover with fresh vinegar residue[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 288: 121412.

24. Hairong Yuan, Ruolin Guan, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Chao Zhu, Dexun Zou, Ying Li, Yanping Liu, Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiujin Li*. Enhancing methane production of excess sludge and dewatered sludge with combined low frequency CaO-ultrasonic pretreatment[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2019,273: 25-430.

25. Ruolin Guan, Xiujin Li, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Hairong Yuan*, Yanping Liu, Dexun Zou, Xiaoyu Zuo, Junyu Gu. Enhancing anaerobic digestion performance and degradation of lignocellulosic components of rice straw by combined biological and chemical pretreatment[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 637-638: 9-17.

26. Ruolin Guan, Hairong Yuan*, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, Xiujin Li, Xiaoyu Zuo, Dexun Zou, Yanping Liu, Junyu Gu. Effect of Narrow Feeding Regimes on Anaerobic Digestion Performance and Microbial Community Structure of Rice Straw in Continuously Stirred Tank Reactors[J]. Energy Fuels, 2018, 32(11): 11587-11594

27. Jiongliang Yuan, Xuan Wang, Xhunhui Gu, Jianjun Sun, Wenming Ding, Juanjun Wei, Xiaoyu Zuo, Cunjiang Hao*. Photoelectrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide to methanol at cuprous oxide foam cathode[J]. RSC Adwance, 2017, 7: 24933-24939.

28. Hairong Yuan, Yunzhi Pang, Kuisheng Wang, Yanping Liu, Xiaoyu Zuo, Shuqing Ma, Xiujin Li*. Ignition and Emission Characteristics of Ignition-assisting Agents for Densified Corn Stover Briquette Fuel[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2010,18(4): 687-694.

29. 王星, 张良, 袁海荣, 李蕴洁, 左晓宇, 李建伟, 李秀金*. 猪粪在管道抽吸过程中的非牛顿流体流动阻力特性[J]. 环境工程学报, 2020, 15(01): 368-374.

30. 李莹, 卢新发, 李秀金, 左晓宇, 袁海荣*. 预处理温度对玉米秸秆暗发酵制氢性能的影响[J]. 北京化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 47(03): 36-43.

31. 李云芳, 袁海荣, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, 左晓宇, 李秀金*. 进料配比对牛粪和玉米秸秆半连续厌氧发酵的影响[J]. 可再生能源, 2020, 38(01): 13-18.

32. 罗娟, 李南锟, 袁海荣, 左晓宇, 刘研萍, 邹德勋, 李秀金*. KOH/NH3·H2O复合预处理秸秆过程中化学组分及木质纤维素形态结构的变化[J]. 可再生能源, 2020, 38(11): 1427-1433.

33. 矫云阳, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, 李秀金, 左晓宇, 袁海荣*. 稻草与畜禽粪便混合物厌氧消化快速启动研究[J]. 中国沼气, 2019, 37(04): 35-40.

34. 刘越, 袁海荣, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, 左晓宇, 李秀金*. 酸化处理提高玉米秸秆厌氧消化性能及其优化研究[J]. 中国沼气, 2019, 37(04): 60-66.

35. 邾宏志, 袁海荣, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, 左晓宇, 李秀金*. 不同粒径稻草的漂浮特性和厌氧发酵产气性能研究[J]. 中国沼气, 2019, 37(04): 53-59.

36. 宋晓聪, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, 李秀金, 左晓宇, 袁海荣*. 水热预处理对提高牛粪厌氧产甲烷性能的研究[J]. 中国沼气, 2019, 37(04): 23-29.

37. 李政伟, 李秀金*, 袁海荣, 左晓宇. 废铁屑和废硫酸厌氧腐蚀析氢反应影响因素研究[J]. 现代化工, 2019, 39(07): 93-96.

38. 柏天卿, 袁海荣, Akiber Chufo Wachemo, 左晓宇, 李秀金*. 低强度水热法预处理玉米秸秆提高其厌氧消化产甲烷性能[J]. 中国沼气, 2019, 37(01): 36-41.

39. 罗娟, 刘春梅, 袁海荣, 刘研萍, 邹德勋, 左晓宇, 李秀金*. KOH/NH3·H2O复合预处理稻草厌氧消化优化研究[J]. 中国沼气, 2019, 37(01): 48-53.

40. 左晓宇, 任羽, 袁海荣, 邹德勋, 刘洁, 李娟, 王家玺, 李秀金. 纤维素与稻草厌氧消化产气性能对比实验研究[J]. 再生资源与循环经济, 2018, 11(2): 29-32.

41. 袁海荣, 左晓宇, 李秀金*, 庞云芝. 生物质固化成型燃料引火助燃剂的试验研究[J]. 可再生能源, 2010, 28(02): 76-79+82.

42. 左晓宇, 袁海荣, 李秀金. 秸秆固化成型燃料引火助燃剂研究[J]. 北京化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 36(05): 84-87.

43. 袁海荣, 左晓宇, 李秀金*, 庞云芝. 影响秸秆固化成型燃料点火过程的因素分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(06): 224-228.


1. 全国石油和化工教育优秀教学团队,省部级,2019.11.1,中国化工教育协会


1. 一种厌氧消化过程进入稳定阶段的判定方法,CN201910274641.92019/4/8,已授权,第一发明人。

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3. 一种用于多种浓度粪污收集的智能转运车系统及收集方法,CN201910099726.82019/1/31,已授权。

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